While I am a surgeon, I am not your surgeon. Even if I am your surgeon, the information contained in this site is not intended for you specifically. This website is intended for use by a diverse group of people, including prospective patients, who have varying degrees of health and whose personal medical situations can vary greatly. This content is intended exclusively for informational and educational purposes. It is not meant to serve as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, which can only be determined through a review of your individual medical history. Always see your physician or another healthcare provider if you have any questions about your own medical situation. The information in the site is not intended to imply a doctor-patient relationship in any capacity. Any actions taken based on the information provided are done at the reader's own risk.

This site is not intended to convey personal health information or to consult with Dr.Bledsoe or to contact him about any of your personal health details. Furthermore, it is not intended to notify him of any problems or issues arising in your own health whether or not you are an active patient of his. If you have any problems or concerns, contact his office directly and not through this site. If this is an emergency, proceed to the closest emergency room.

The information contained on this site is in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. Particular patient situations may be particularly valuable or educational. Any patient information on this site is either given with the express written consent of the patient or the details have been changed so as to make identification impossible.

This site does not put forth that any information contained within is an inflexible rule or requirement of any practice or physician. It is not the intent that it should be used to establish a legal standard of care. It would be inappropriate to use anything found on this site as a means of calling into question the appropriateness of the care rendered by a physician. It should not be used as a means of credentialing nor litigation. The best course of action is best determined by the physician in light of all presenting circumstances. Conscientious physicians may appropriately choose a different course of action than set forth on this site.


Call to schedule an appointment with Dr. Bledsoe, today!